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Always playing the same 5 maps?

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I play only HC multiplayer, mostly on TACTICAL. I really enjoyed Eagles Nest, Dome, and Redstar in the beta but hardly ever see them now. Berlin, Bocage, Desert Seige, Gavuto, Sub pens seem to get more mileage than the others. I'm almost constantly playing these. What factors could be causing this? Are some maps not included in my selections' (HC, tactical) playlist? Thanks.
I play only HC multiplayer, mostly on TACTICAL. I really enjoyed Eagles Nest, Dome, and Redstar in the beta but hardly ever see them now. Berlin, Bocage, Desert Seige, Gavuto, Sub pens seem to get more mileage than the others. I'm almost constantly playing these. What factors could be causing this? Are some maps not included in my selections' (HC, tactical) playlist? Thanks.
Agree that we play the same maps. It’s pretty early on, and these games tend to get better over time. More variety and game modes pop up. This game to me seems more chaotic than the other COD games. Hard to get from one end to the other because everyone is on top of each other. Not much space to move without getting whacked. If someone camps, they can rack up a lot of kills because every space is a Choke point. Same spawn point over and over. Limited routes to take. I’m sure it will get better


Does not look like they will fix the map rotation any time soon:( shame too, it was a big selling point for them to have all these maps.


Perhaps some maps are tailored to appear only in certain paces. I.e. it does not make sense to play on a large map if you choose tactical pace. And vice versa, I see only a few specific maps when I play Blitz.

That said, I am not sure if I even seen 20 maps total, I might need to experiment with other game modes and paces.


I didn't even know there was a shipment map until a few days ago because of the same 5 rotating maps.
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