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Best Loadout for Renetti (Pistol Only Class)?


This is awesome for camping the dome as you demonstrated.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

In core I dont use it. But in hardcore run 3 burst barrel, mono suppressor, speed grip, matched trigger, and a red dot reflex. Run sniper or marksman in primary. Cold blooded, ghost, and tuneup. Double the equipment with ammo box and deadly silence. Run and gun baby! Covers short and medium encounters with the sniper for long range fun if needed.

Sometimes I swap cold blooded and ghost for kill streak and hardline if my internet connection is cooperating and my aim is on point.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


I feel like im the only person in the game who doesn't like the renetti with the burst fire attachment.
It really shines with the akimbo/burst combo. But, might as well be carrying the knife. That's about all the range you have if you wanna be accurate. Burns through ammo hella fast. You can throw on lasers to help, but I personally have better results without akimbo. I'm old and have to account for slower reflexes, etc. You know, science. Lol

I loved the gun before I got the burst barrel. I had too much with it. It's an awesome weapon without it. But, for single shot its arguable there are better pistol choices.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I’m the same I liked to renetti and wanted the burst fire but find it too inaccurate so once I’ve done the camos I think I’ll return to the M19

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