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PC Casual Player over 50 Looking for a Clan


I am a casual player looking for a clan to run with. I am tired of playing solo and listening to morons in chat.
Want a chill place to call home or hang? Then come join us at the brigade.
We are a clan that specialise in Destiny 2 and MW3.
We also play other differents game and there is always lots going on.
Our discord is based off of a mil-Theme tyoe format.
There is always chance to move up the ranks or just chill and stay where you are.
We are all inclusive and everyone is welcome.
There is three requirments that we need-
- English speaking( all languages are welcome however 99.9% of us speak english).

There is a 3 day vetting period to give yiu time to get used to us , after the vetting period you can either leave or stay.
We also do have a public server that you can join without needing to join the clan.


Want a chill place to call home or hang? Then come join us at the brigade.
We are a clan that specialise in Destiny 2 and MW3.
We also play other differents game and there is always lots going on.
Our discord is based off of a mil-Theme tyoe format.
There is always chance to move up the ranks or just chill and stay where you are.
We are all inclusive and everyone is welcome.
There is three requirments that we need-
- English speaking( all languages are welcome however 99.9% of us speak english).

There is a 3 day vetting period to give yiu time to get used to us , after the vetting period you can either leave or stay.
We also do have a public server that you can join without needing to join the clan.
Sounds good to me. I like the vetting period and have no problem with it. Please let me know what I need to do to apply.



Hey there, fellow gamer!

:video_game: Join the Clan Nine Community (C9C) - a vibrant group of adult gamers passionate about gaming just like you!

What We Offer:

:joystick: Diverse Games: From Diablo to Call of Duty, we've got a mix for every taste.
:tada: Community Events: Regular card game nights, movie sessions, and exciting giveaways.
:handshake: Flexible Participation: Connect with others on Discord, no clan tags needed. Start building lasting friendships.
:eek:pen_hands: Inclusive Environment: Enjoy gaming in a respectful, fun, and late-night friendly atmosphere.
Join Us Easily: Click our Discord invite [here](https://discord.gg/c9community) and dive into a gaming experience like never before. Whether casual or dedicated, C9C is your place to forge friendships and enjoy gaming at its best.

:star2: We're excited to welcome you to Clan Nine Community. Let’s game together!


I'm 54 and looking for the same thing for the same reason.
## :happy_cloud: Cloud Nine Community
:C_tinyarrow: I see you’re looking for a clan to join and wanted to see if ***Cloud Nine Community*** was something that you may be interested in.

:C_tinyarrow: If you’d like to take a look around, please join the discord: https://discord.gg/c9community

:utility4: *We are looking forward to having **you** join our wonderful community!*

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