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Changing my name back to my PSN username mw & wz ps4

Hi there,

Apologies if this has been covered already. Please redirect me to the thread if that's the case.

I changed my name a while ago from my PSN username to a different name in game. I play mw and wz on the PS4

I now want to revert to using my PSN username in-game. I've been to the Activision support site but it's so hard to use I gave up. I've asked the Twitter @activisupport or whatever they're called. No reply.

Is it possible to revert my in-game name to my PSN username without changing my name on the Activision forums ? My PSN name uses special characters that I can't use on the Activision forums so I can't just change my name to it on there.

I'm hoping someone on here knows a way to do it please?

Many thanks


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