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DMZ Credit Where Credit Is Due


The Equalizer
I rag on Activision a lot because... well.. They deserve it.. :D

But I also give credit where credit is due..

In Season 01, the train loot was horrible... Trying to get loot from the boxes on the train was next to impossible.. You had to wait until the train was on a straight-away and then line up perfectly with the direction of the train to pull loot from the boxes.. And you only had micro-seconds to grab what you wanted to put in your pack.. It was a major pain in the arse...

But Season 02 fixed that.. Grabbing loot from the trains is as easy as pulling it from a regular stationary location..

So... Good on Activision for fixing that...


The Equalizer
Along the same lines of Credit Where Credit Is Due..

In the old PLUNDER, you looted a box and all the stash was strewn across the floor.. Within a couple minutes it all disappeared..

In DMZ, the loot stays in the box so you can pick and choose what you want.. This leads whatever is left for the next player.. High Loot Areas (Trains, Strongholds, etc etc) are still viable because a bunch of stuff is left behind...

I like that and hope the new PLUNDER has that same feature...

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