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Warzone Do I Need Headphones?

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Hi - I don't currently own headphones or have a mic, and am not able to get them any time soon. Is it possible to play in a team without these? Do people usually care? I'm aware of the ping system, but I haven't played Apex.


Staff member
Yes, Warzone is practically a team-based game, so... You're gonna have to use mics to get players to work with you, or you work with them. From what I've seen, players are either going to help you, or be jerks. 80% of the time, people will work with you to win the Battle Royale mode. Though, not everyone is going to do so. Some of them don't understand that this is a team-based game, so they go off doing "solo" things. But you're outmatched if you're alone. However, with your teammates, you are going to survive longer.

You have to remember, there are 3 of you, against 147 players in the sandbox lobby. There is an option to "not fill," but that's a "solo" match. So, in other words, you're gonna be pitted against what is typically your 3-team. They'll kill you when they have the chance. And, that's why I say don't go solo.
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