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Does Anyone Play Control On Black Ops 4 ? Let me know what you guys think I did.


Staff member
What’s it like for XP and everything I don’t really play it
It's in line with all the other modes, the only real difference is that you have a set number of k/d before you stop playing until the next round. You get a little bit more XP in the mode, than most. Not by much, but just a little bit. It's kind of like Domination, except once you "control" the area, the "flag" is gone.

Think of it like a gangster capturing a turf. Put it that way.


I like the sound of that :p I might be playing it more just don’t know wether to get a team together or solos


Staff member
I like the sound of that :p I might be playing it more just don’t know wether to get a team together or solos
I am a solo player, so if you have a team... you're golden. It's a little harder as solo because of the dummies.


I am solo this Call of duty maybe we could get a game between us I’m on Xbox what about you ?

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