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Warzone hello, i have been banned and i dont know why.. is any posible to see why???? thx joutes@seznam.cz

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Staff member
What happened before the ban? Did you buy hardware that was used? Did you use lagswitch? Did you use username that was offensive? What? There needs to be context before you're banned.


i look on video about aimBot nothink more, no donwload , my GT was CzeDaniel420, ,.,.,.,.,., thats all..... is any page where i can look what happend???


i look on video about aimBot nothink more, no donwload , my GT was CzeDaniel420, ,.,.,.,.,., thats all..... is any page where i can look what happend???

LOLOLOLOL GET REKT NERD yea you just "watched" the video sure. You didn't download and install anything, have a few giggles while using the aimbot, and then got banned and now you wanna cry about it.


What happened before the ban? Did you buy hardware that was used? Did you use lagswitch? Did you use username that was offensive? What? There needs to be context before you're banned.
LOLOLOLOL GET REKT NERD yea you just "watched" the video sure. You didn't download and install anything, have a few giggles while using the aimbot, and then got banned and now you wanna cry about iYES WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE


Staff member
You're missing the point of what he's saying. He's not disputing that you watched it on YouTube. He's saying you shouldn't have taken their "advice" and used the aimbot.

Infinity Ward is cracking down on cheating/cheaters. So you're not going to get any sympathy from anyone.
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