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Warzone How Long PLUNDER Down???

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The Equalizer
Yea, it's the only WARZONE game worth playing for me.. I am crappy at CQB but I can still get consistently in the TOP 10 in Plunder..

But I am guessing it's gone for a few weeks.. :(


Yea, it's the only WARZONE game worth playing for me.. I am crappy at CQB but I can still get consistently in the TOP 10 in Plunder..

But I am guessing it's gone for a few weeks.. :(
for me, it just works, not so manny "pro's" with incredible abilities and I like grinding weapons by doing contracts, plundering 4 money, exploring map,...
Im just too old for running for kills... :D
oh, and I liked that TDM caldera storage event...
now, just randomly play some coop or multi with mixed results...
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