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PC In Search Of: Duos partner for tourneys.

Lookin for someone who is aggressive but still smart about their challenges. I'd like to start getting into the competitive side of CoD or Warzone, but need to get some chemistry with a new parter(s). I am usually on between noon and 7pm CST. I dont boast a crazy KD, i sucked bad when warzone first came out and I was still more into competitive Madden. But I got a gaming PC and badass internet and havent looked back since. Averaging 4-8 kills/game the last few months. Had a few where I end up around 13-15 kills but never been able to push everything I see due to really conservative partners. I'd really like to drop 20 bombs. I know I can do it, just need to right partner. MIC IS REQUIRED but that pretty much goes without saying.

If you're in the same boat as me, gimme a shout and we can run a few games see how it goes. I'm trying to win some $$$

Price out ✌


Captain Price. I hope you're doing well. I'm hosting a Warzone Duo Tourney this weekend, Saturday 01/23/21. Let me know if you'd like to join another one. It's free to join, with cash prize.



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