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Warzone Lobby KD too high, about to quit this game

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Hi all

First post. Total noob in BR, KD is 0.3 so the lowest 1%, not good I know. Anyway, been playing a few hundred matches now with almost no kills and just found out that you can look up your stats on third party websites, so I did and it seems that no matter what I play, solos, duos, trios or quads, even rebirth, the lobbies are starting at a KD of 1.25, and it's getting worse. How can I fix this, tried playing all hours but nothing, it just increses all the time, 1 game out of 50 was below, at 1.1.
I'm dead before I even hit the ground, makes me not want to play the game anymore.

Crying like a little baby here I know, but come on.


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
Well, the simple but harsh answer is get better at getting kills.

The more complex question is how?

You need to work on areas where you can improve in order to get more kills, so to identify your weaknesses try recording yourself while you play then go back and review your gameplay.

Concentrate on aim, are you usually on target?

Recoil control, are you controlling your weapon or is the Recoil taking you off target after the initial shot?

Game awareness, are you paying attention to what's going on around you? Do you find yourself constantly getting caught out by surprise? Or are you often getting killed in open spaces etc...

Knowledge of the map, can you recognise where you are by looking at your surroundings and then calculate a route to where you want to be without bringing up your map?

Are you playing the right game mode, @AntiCheatAgent94 is happier playing Plunder for example, find the mode that suits you best.

Watch YouTube videos and Twitch streams to pick up tips and clues, such as how much Recoil top players get and see what they do to control it.

Work out your best loadout in terms of weapons that give you the best balance of control, range, and power.

Oh, and welcome to CoDForums @Whateverman


The Equalizer
Yea, PLUNDER is, despite the best efforts of TPTB to make otherwise, is a good way to enjoy the game if your combat skills are not up to par... You can concentrate on collecting cash and avoid combat...

Recently though, Activision has made it increasingly more and more difficult to collect cash..


The Equalizer
You can also apparently use a vpn to manipulate the lobbies to get something better. Not sure how though.

I would very much be interested in this... I think the biggest causes of my frustrations is I have a good game or 2 and then am suddenly thrust into a game of L33ts....

What I do now is to go into MW19 and just run all over the place firing randomly and get killed all the time.. This lowers my K/D so then going into a PLUNDER game get's me a better position..

As an aside, I must look like a raving moron to other players in the MW19 matches.. :D

Apologies for the multiple comments, Carlos..

A plus to the above strategy is that it puts me into an SBMM queue that is unlikely to have any cheaters in it..

So... Win/Win...
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