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Multi Looking for EU clan


Come have a look at Rapture Gaming Community. We are a 17+ gaming community. We have many games, but Phoenix battalion main COD, EFT and Overwatch. Our players are Xbox and PC.
Our members are on varying time zones so there is always someone to game with. We hold multiple game nights a week, and welcome all players no matter the skill level.
We're always up for a good time and a few drinks together!
Here's the discord link, come hang out and see what you think https://discord.gg/rapturegaming

OG Fireman

Hey, im a 23 year old norwegian guy, looking for a Warzone clan or players to play with.
Tactical Gaming is still recruiting and I think you’d be a great fit!

TG was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe. With our Warfare and Adventures franchises, we have thousands of active members spread over multiple games. Our Call of Duty Division currently has about 20 squads, ranging from 5-10members each. We support XB1, PS4, and PC. Your squad placement is based on your game preference whether it be Core, Hardcore, or Warzone and casual/competitive.
We also offer in house tournaments and an in house squad league. TG has a military structure when it comes to ranks and we have several Veterans and First Responders. Our main requirements are mature and a working mic. I would be happy to give you any information you need. Please contact me here or add me on Discord TG Fireman#3114.

If you'd like to jump right in and take a look, our website is https://tacticalgaming.net/hq/refer/69174/

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