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Mouse wheel zooming

Ever since the last update my mouse will not allow me to zoom the map in or out. It is set up for my 1st and 2nd weapon like always but now it won't zoom in or out and I can't find where to fix it. I'm on PC.
Thanks for any help I can get with this
Last season when I pull up the map in DMZ or even plunder now I could zoom in with the mouse wheel and zoom out it also. Was bound to my 1st and 2nd weapon changing weapons that works. But I can't zoom in and zoom out on anything
I will look in my game this afternoon when I play again and see if I can find anything. Just checked my settings and the only place I found ZOOM was under CONTROLLER GAMEPLAY but that is not really relevant here.
I checked mine, in Quick Play and Invasion, and I can zoom in and out with both my mouse wheel and the #1 and #2 keys. Not sure why yours isnt working but I do know that sometimes the updates will cause havoc with your binds. Best suggestions that I have are to go through your settings or even hit the revert to default option and then go back and reset to what you can remember as having worked in the past. The scan and repair function might help too.

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