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MW Branch Out

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Seeing as MW came out and that's the newest game it'd be really benificial imo to put all other CODs in it's own seperate section, and have a larger one for MW. For example have the main category as Modern Warfare with sub cats as General, Help, L4P/L4G (looking for Players/Group), Tips & Tricks,. Media/Videos.

Then have a second category as Other Cod: with all the others as sub cats.

This will allow you to promote more on Modern Warfare as a whole, as well as give people incentives to post. Make the Media/Video section available once you have 25 posts, this way people can then start to promote their montages, etc. after they make 25 posts. On top of that, it'd focus on what people are playing most right now in terms of call of duty, and that's Modern Warfare.


Staff member
I will be reorganizing how the forums work from here on out. Every year I make a new forum just for a game, but going forward, we're going to move the old game threads into general, then rename the top forums with the new incoming game. I was trying to keep things simple the way it is now, but nobody seems to care about the other games, so I will have a rotating door of forums from here on out.


I will be reorganizing how the forums work from here on out. Every year I make a new forum just for a game, but going forward, we're going to move the old game threads into general, then rename the top forums with the new incoming game. I was trying to keep things simple the way it is now, but nobody seems to care about the other games, so I will have a rotating door of forums from here on out.
Yeah, the moment a new version comes out the old ones are dead. Tis the way of the COD


Staff member
What I've done now is merged all games into general, all videos are in one place: Call of Duty Media.

As far as your suggestions go:
General - We already have one.
Help - Content Bunker was meant as that, but as far as single game goes: The Modern Warfare forum encompasses all discuessions, sooo...
L4P/L4G (looking for Players/Group) - We have that via Clan Recruitment/Chat. Clan Recruitment is the most popular place people go to, post in, and participate.
Tips & Tricks - See above under Help.
Media/Videos - We've had this since day one, but the method was single game media forum, I've merged all of them there now.
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