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own any pets?

I love my cat more than anything.
If there was a complicated saw-like trap and I had to choose between my cat and my best friend...I'll save up for a nice casket.
Cats are wonderful creatures and the love they give you is worth all the times you have to clean out their litter box or replace curtains .


man, you're making me want one now. i've always been a bit starved for affection but apparentely humans arent too into the concept of receiving random hugs outta nowhere.

my biggest fear has always been that my cat would be lonely since im in school for so many hours. this is why i never got a cat.


oh shit, i'm sorry for that cat buddy. maybe he/she is still alive somewhere, who knows. or it's in a adoption center.
at least your doggos are still there.
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I hope they are doing ok wherever they are. Dogs are also good creatures. We don't deserve them.


Outside of the usual cat and dog, is there another animal you fancy?
Bunnies, parrots, ive even wanted a spider once. Animals are cute in general.

Bloody L


Does this count? This was Morty.

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