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Warzone Plunder - Quads + Solo User Bonuses

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I enjoy Plunder more then Battle Royal. But the only option is Quads. If I join solo or with a single friend, shouldn't we get a bonus for placing in the top 5? Or even top 10? Considering we or I, are performing better than people in a group of four, we should be recognized for this achievement with more XP, etc.

Do you agree?
Yes you should. But I don't think you do.
The reasoning is probably to discourage people playing solo in what is designed to be a team game, which makes sense.
If solo players got 4x xp each game there would be a dozen solo players running around in a squad game mode.


Yes you should. But I don't think you do.
The reasoning is probably to discourage people playing solo in what is designed to be a team game, which makes sense.
If solo players got 4x xp each game there would be a dozen solo players running around in a squad game mode.

I don't play Plunder - does it not auto-fill the squad if you join as a Solo?


It gives you the option to fill or not, the same as in battle royale

Well I obviously don't know how Plunder XP works, but I'm fairly certain in Pubg they awarded more XP for solo queuing into Squads because it was harder to win 1v4 obviously. It's also harder to finish top 10/25/50 because you're at such a handicap so the extra XP balanced it out. I would like to think the same pattern would exist in Warzone BR, and I don't see why they couldn't do that for Plunder either. In theory yes more XP for solo queuing Squads could lead to more solos running around. But those solos should be WAY easier to kill if you're part of a squad, so that in theory would deter a lot of players from doing that.
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