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Tired of cheaters

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You game developers need to go back to school and learn how to stop and prevent the hacks and cheating - either change the game parameters or just give every player god mode - pick a freaking side already. Not spending any more cash on this broke ass game. Used to be a great game but lately every other player is using hack mods - its disgusting - you aint good if you need to cheat and hack your way through a game bro


Staff member
Why do people actually think this is the official Call of Duty forums?
Because as of right now, there is no real Call of Duty Forum at Activision. The support section takes you to their "support" site, and not their official forums. It's shut down. When you search "Call of Duty Forums" you'll see their official pages, but after that, it's THIS site. That makes this forum the authority forum of all of them.

Honestly, I snicker, silently laugh. Because all this is working in my favor.
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