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Who is your favorite character

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Well in every game we can see many character. But not all of them can get out attention. We do not even notice many characters. Few looks garbage & we think this game will looks better without these character. some of them are just ordinary & do not attract us. But few of them looks extra ordinary & we think, wow they looks like real hero who will save others. I would like to know you guy's favorite cod modern warfare character. My favorite character is Simon "Ghost" Riley.


If you like the guy you should read the comics about him, sheds some light on who he is and just how bad ass he really is. What two governments could not achieve was accomplished by a ghost.

My favorite character would be Soap or John 'Soap' Mactavish to be precise. Why him though? Why not the man has got a mohawk and tackling criminals through windows. Hes pretty cool, aint afraid of anything.
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