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Warzone Will Xbox players ever be able to disable cross play in Warzone?

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As the title says, I personally just want the option to disable or enable cross play when playing Warzone on my Xbox. Who is ”not” allowing it? Activision or Microsoft? Why is it an option with Sony PlayStation players but not Xbox?
As the title says, I personally just want the option to disable or enable cross play when playing Warzone on my Xbox. Who is ”not” allowing it? Activision or Microsoft? Why is it an option with Sony PlayStation players but not Xbox?
You can disable it for Multiplayer, But NOT warzone .. Just like everyone else.


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I think the answer to the question is down to Microsoft, more specifically Phil Spencer at Microsoft. Take a look at this video and you will see why I think this:


I can't confirm or deny this really as cheating is cheating really. I have heard over and over though these cronuses titians ect are not even in the same realm as say the engine owning babies. Don't know never used a cronus firsthand and unless I use it personally can't really say how it performs.
I can't confirm or deny this really as cheating is cheating really. I have heard over and over though these cronuses titians ect are not even in the same realm as say the engine owning babies. Don't know never used a cronus firsthand and unless I use it personally can't really say how it performs.
So your saying,,,,,,,EMPLEMENTING your Controller making it have no recoil or aim bot, IS NOT CHEATING? We have another Blind consoler that don't believe.


I'm saying I'm not familiar with the zen, so I can't say what it cannor cannot do. Take the strike pack despite what they show you on the website it don't give you 0 recoil ( I have had one for years) I'm saying I don't know how strong zen is. I don't like to speak on things I have no knowledge
I'm saying I'm not familiar with the zen, so I can't say what it cannor cannot do. Take the strike pack despite what they show you on the website it don't give you 0 recoil ( I have had one for years) I'm saying I don't know how strong zen is. I don't like to speak on things I have no knowledge of, but yes cheating is cheating
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