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Warzone you snipers

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OK This is my opinion. I hate snipers. So please make a trios ETC, with NO DAM SNIPER GUNS on the map..so sick of dying by you camping asses., I wont even pick up a dam sniper or a shotgun because I hate them so bad I would rather use a pistol, or just die being a man lmao. Snipers to me are them pussy people who just drive the trucks around lol or you pricks who use the RPG. Hey that's just me.


OK This is my opinion. I hate snipers. So please make a trios ETC, with NO DAM SNIPER GUNS on the map..so sick of dying by you camping asses., I wont even pick up a dam sniper or a shotgun because I hate them so bad I would rather use a pistol, or just die being a man lmao. Snipers to me are them pussy people who just drive the trucks around lol or you pricks who use the RPG. Hey that's just me.
Hey I’m one of those sniper people, how are you today? Lol

Seriously l don’t camp tho, l find it too boring to do so. I love using the sniper but l wish you could move around and use it more often like in other games. If nobody is there l will move on. If someone is there l will shoot and move on quickly, so noooo camping from me.

I absolutely hate the RPG’s too, they are for vehicles not for one person. So pathetic are those who use them


Staff member
Hey I’m one of those sniper people, how are you today? Lol

Seriously l don’t camp tho, l find it too boring to do so. I love using the sniper but l wish you could move around and use it more often like in other games. If nobody is there l will move on. If someone is there l will shoot and move on quickly, so noooo camping from me.

I absolutely hate the RPG’s too, they are for vehicles not for one person. So pathetic are those who use them
Read: Quickscoping. ;)


Staff member
Huh? Are you telling me to read something on quickscoping? Read from where? Or is it a joke of some kind?
Oh, nothin'. I wasn't responding to you directly, but trying to be funny. Because your comment in bold is actually quickscoping.


I rpg the crap out of people. Especially snipers. Very good tactical weapon when used as such.

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PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I don't play Warzone, it requires a skill set that I don't really have so I don't class myself as an expert, but I would like to share my take on this topic.

First, camping in Warzone, unless you are lucky enough to setup camp in a spot that ends up in the final circle, then camping will get you killed, so you can't camp in one place for too long.

Watching videos of good teams playing, what I see if that they will get to a point in the map and plunder all the loot boxes they can find so that later in the game they can buy back team mates, loadout drops and revives etc... so camping means you will miss out on the loot. However, posting a sniper in a nest above your position means you have an eye on the terrain while the rest of the squad plunders to get funds for use in the stores.

If a sniper shoots and gives his position away to then stay put then they are just asking for an RPG in the face and Carlos is happy to oblige, so they need to be mobile enough to avoid that.

Sniping from a nest is part of a strategy, the chances are if you see a sniper then the rest of the squad is nearby, so adapt your approach to different locations,, maybe if you identify where the likely nests will be then you can RPG the nests as a pre-emptive strike and if you get lucky you have 1 less hostile to deal with as you get closer to your next goal.
I don't play Warzone, it requires a skill set that I don't really have so I don't class myself as an expert, but I would like to share my take on this topic.

First, camping in Warzone, unless you are lucky enough to setup camp in a spot that ends up in the final circle, then camping will get you killed, so you can't camp in one place for too long.

Watching videos of good teams playing, what I see if that they will get to a point in the map and plunder all the loot boxes they can find so that later in the game they can buy back team mates, loadout drops and revives etc... so camping means you will miss out on the loot. However, posting a sniper in a nest above your position means you have an eye on the terrain while the rest of the squad plunders to get funds for use in the stores.

If a sniper shoots and gives his position away to then stay put then they are just asking for an RPG in the face and Carlos is happy to oblige, so they need to be mobile enough to avoid that.

Sniping from a nest is part of a strategy, the chances are if you see a sniper then the rest of the squad is nearby, so adapt your approach to different locations,, maybe if you identify where the likely nests will be then you can RPG the nests as a pre-emptive strike and if you get lucky you have 1 less hostile to deal with as you get closer to your next goal.
I would agree but I usually play solos, and not to mention the sniper scope will glint/shine will mostly give them away, MY POINT is me having 4 shields on and get shot 1 dam time I'm dead, is what pisses me off, it takes me 10-15 bullets to kill EVEN if I can get close enough. This part of the game has made me re think of just going back to racing iracing, I have no fun getting sniped every dam time by a guy halfway across the dam map and get killed in 1 shot. So no its not fun to me, I know I don't have to play.


Hey, hey, hey, bros. Don't be talkin' shit about my favorite weapon in the game. lol.
I get what you mean but... I’m talking about the ones who blast you from 6ft away, no other people around just moi, or when they can’t get you with their gun they’ll go oh I’ll just blast you with this cos I’ve got no skills


I d that and suicide if I'm out of ammo and and get swapped fast enough. I'm not going down alone. Lmao

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Staff member
I get what you mean but... I’m talking about the ones who blast you from 6ft away, no other people around just moi, or when they can’t get you with their gun they’ll go oh I’ll just blast you with this cos I’ve got no skills
I do that, too... sometimes I'm near someone, I aim my RPG at the floor, to effectively kill him, even if it means killing myself (suicide).

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