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New COD Categories created!

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Staff member
Because Black Ops 2 is released, and already on store shelves. With rumors of Modern Warfare 4 on the horizon, I have gone ahead and created a new MW4 forum, and a general Call of Duty forum.

The general Call of Duty forum will be used for other subjects than what we already know. For example, the Co-Op thread was aiming at any Call of Duty title, so I decided "why not make a general forum now?" And so, I did.

That being said, I've moved COD2, COD3, COD4, COD5 (World at War) into that same general COD forum.

Again, I continue to make edits and alternations... :)


Staff member
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was recently revealed, and so I've changed the forum for Modern Warfare 4, to be recognized as 'Advanced Warfare.'


Cod 1,cod2,cod3,cod4(modern warfare ,world at war, cod6 mw2,cod7 Blops1, cod8 mw3,cod9 Blops2,cod10 GHOSTS BOOOOO
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