• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

PSN Recruit me

On ps4 network over 1.0 kd and play hardcore. Got mic, over 18 and play to laugh and win. Xjmoney619x is gamertag I just want to play with ppl that want to win.
Hey I’m mcloven I’m with zg a new gaming community on Xbox and ps looking for members to join the only requirement is that u have fun and game out we play bo3 ww2 d2 and Fortnite on the playstation side soon will be adding bo4 to our list. My gamer tag is erikaylynn add me if this sparks your interest.

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