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This game is ass

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Why the fuck is it that this stupid fucking mutt can take more bullets than me why is the pre game lobby shorter than David vondahars dick why is it that one day I clap the fuck outta kids and the next my gun shoots fucking blanks like my dad after is vesectimy thanks for reading please fix <3

And the spawns are worst than walking into planned parenthood I think I have more spawn kills than an abortion specialist


I take it you’re a new player it’s gonna be a tough time because some people are already master prestige in the games only been out for like three months and if your new your way behind the eight ball they know the maps and etc. just gonna have to learn how to adapt


I take it you’re a new player it’s gonna be a tough time because some people are already master prestige in the games only been out for like three months and if your new your way behind the eight ball they know the maps and etc. just gonna have to learn how to adapt
I’m master prestige buddy lmao

KoTs wsSICKs

Why the fuck is it that this stupid fucking mutt can take more bullets than me why is the pre game lobby shorter than David vondahars dick why is it that one day I clap the fuck outta kids and the next my gun shoots fucking blanks like my dad after is vesectimy thanks for reading please fix <3

And the spawns are worst than walking into planned parenthood I think I have more spawn kills than an abortion specialist

Lmfaoooooooooooo I'm ded


Staff member
Typical trolling. Then what the purpose of starting a thread
Because being prestige does not matter. It's just a rank, and nothing more. So, even a new guy can rack up a nice 25 Killstreak and it shows via weapon camos. And you want to know how its done? Spawn Camping or Trapping. Not exactly what you call a good player, just a dumbass exploiting the game itself.
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