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Attachments not showing after unlocking

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Baby Kakes

Hello gamers! I have unlocked several attachments using different weapons. When I go into my attachment list, the unlocked attachment for that weapon is not on the list. It shows the attachments you have to unlock, however the rewarded lvl attachment is nowhere to be found. Please help! Thank you!


Holy crap. Since today, I have the same issue. Only Assault Riffles are not affected. Level is still good, but I can't equip attachments, only skins attachments are working.
Anyone with the same problem, or a fix?
When you said that Assault Rifles weren't affected i had to back and check. I don't know if this is different for everyone but for me the first gun in every category has all attachments and the rest are locked. So every Alpha version works like before.


That's a really strrange bug. In MP I have attachments in this weapons whích are in the list, but when I change the wep, no attachments anymore; No matter what kind of weapon.
In Zombies now Assault Rifles are affected, too.
Image is from MP. When I change the gun, all attachments are locked. Even, when I equip the same weapon.


  • MG_in_List..jpg
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I played Zombies and after I finished the game, all attachments are back. I hope they will stay. I haven't looked into MP.


Same -
My weapon is level 38 but all my optics, barrels, mags are unlocked. They were working fine 3 days ago and I no longer can change any of those options.
Anyone find a solve?
It would seem the problem is that the progress is kind of reset. As we play we unlock the guns and as they are unlocked we get the attachments back. Why we can still access the guns that should be locked i don't know.


Yeah I have the same problem with my QBZ and my sniper M82...It is not possible to even open the locked attachments when its maxed level. So how the hell can I unlock them if the weapon is maxed?? It is impossible to unlock it. I dont want it to reset because I did the work to level it!! This is very disappointing!! I am so over it. :(


New Patch and still broken. The issue stacked on this one is even as you play you can't RE-unlock the attachments. The game sees the weapon as max level so there is no room to "start over" with the weapon at level 1 even if you wanted to. A ploy to make me buy vanguard? FIX THIS!
Yeah I have the same problem with my QBZ and my sniper M82...It is not possible to even open the locked attachments when its maxed level. So how the hell can I unlock them if the weapon is maxed?? It is impossible to unlock it. I dont want it to reset because I did the work to level it!! This is very disappointing!! I am so over it. :(
Same issue only with the M28 so far but its B.S. because its my favorite sniper. Plus anytime I play MW it crashes halfway through the match. Im 110% sure its a scheme to get us to buy vanguard like iPhone did with older phones to force ppl to update
This problem is currently happening with the anti tank rifle for me it's lol 49 or so and I cant use a lbl 46 scope, it's not a way to make people buy vanguard because I own the gage in fact I own the last three that's dropped so it seems to be a bug possibly?? Anyway it seems to be that rifle only for me but what's odd is I had stuff unlocked before and it'd let me see it like it is unlocked but I can't click it . The issue was when they unlocked the base gun for me because I was using a blueprint prior to the zombie event hope it's fixed soon though
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