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Staff member
That's ok, you answered the question with one of your own videos, my post is pointless in both this thread and that thread.

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He keeps coming back to saying "no, but this happens."


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
If you can capture a video of what's going wrong and post it here then maybe we can help more, otherwise look at the stickies that Carlos has posted for the one with all of the Activision support sites to see if you can get help on this matter from them, they too might find the video to be helpful.


OK, I'll say it again like I said the last time. Let's look at the SMG-MP5N for example. In the new blueprints, it has a suppressor. So when I go back and edit said weapon I don't have a choice for a suppressor. It's not available to me like every other blueprint that's in the armory. I don't have access to the weapon or it's add-ons to the weapon. When I see the armory extension to the weapon it's the same weapon choice I had before the newer blueprints popped up. Or as I stated in my opening statement to this post. I don't have any type of access to these newer blueprints. Your video (Thank you for supplying it once again) does not help my issue at all.
Are you clicking the thing on the right of original weapon? You’re making me think your trying to get said suppressor from original gun. Like for example you get a certain muzzle for the Grub but, if l go straight to the Kilo 141 which is the original gun, l don’t think I’ll be able to put the Grub’s muzzle on from there.

I don’t think this is your problem but I’ll mention it just in case. Do you already have selected weapon in load out? This happened to me lmao! I wanted a certain weapon and all of a sudden it was locked, after a good amount of time panicking and thinking I’ve lost the gun, I realised it was already there!

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