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Didn't buy MWIII why did my PlayStation install it?


Didn't buy MWIII why did my PlayStation install it? All I play is DMZ. I start COD and have to scroll out of MWiii to get to the only thing I should have downloaded.


Fallen Angel
MW2 probably updated to MW3 all by its lonsome so they could shove 180 plus GB of crap at you.

and I think MW2 stuff should still be in your menus


Paid $95 for MWII and after that last 50GB update I am left with about 40% of the game I paid for. I only play Invasion and it has completely disappeared, along with just about every other mini game. What little is left of the game involves downloading at least 34GB of add-ons and other crap to play. Total bull crap!

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