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The clan F3AR is looking to recruit some new players in black opps 3 we are open to play with anyone who wants to join but we will select who we think is the best fit... ps4


hey my gamertag is dvdtav I am the clan leader of F3AR we are currently looking for decent to high level players to join our already great team!!.. do to lag issues we are only looking for players in Europe and Scandinavian countries. send me a friend request if you are interested.

Looking for solid pub stompers
mature personality

We also provide a junior clan for players that are not at the level of playing style that we create so we can help them and watch them grow!!

PS4 only :)

Sincerely, dvdtav


I'm 18yrs old and my gamertag is (beta) thisiscxm99
Okay nice, where are you from? It's relevant because of latency. And how is your weekly combat record looking ( make an estimate ).

Sup everyone, we're trying to recruit some guys again. We've got about 5 active members right now and some on the side. We play casually and we try-hard at times. We are a PS4-based clan.
In order to join you must meet these conditions.
- You have to live in Europe or the east coast of the USA because of the latency.
- We want decent players so you need to be able to pull a 1.5kd right now. You're overall combat record isn't necessarily all that relevant.
- You need a decent mic. Nothing special, as long as it doesn't make annoying noises. If you disturb the party it will ruin the vibe.
-We already have a junior clan (FLEX), so we're looking for guys above 14 right now.
- We value chemistry, so don't be shy! It's al for fun and good gameplays.

Let us know if you wanna hang out with us so we can have a try-out!
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My gamertag on PS4 is Ljungqvist3 and my KD on my main account is 1.37 but when i made a new account and leveled it up to 55 or maybe it was 53 i had a kd around 3 which i would say is pretty good. i havent played in a while so i am not as comfortable with the controller but when i do i get good. For now i dont have IW or MWR but i will get it for christmas (i know it's really late but its something) and if i get accepted i'll play some BO3 before going in to IW, if yu want to you can check out my youtube channel on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1kMJdqlrPVeXQisXKmRbiQ and there i have some videos where i speak swedish but the gameplay is still very nice like this video
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3veVTpONHg
where i get 2 motherships in 1 life. i also got mother ship or raps cant really remember only using the SVG (i think it only was SVG)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EwN_YNKEfg
And i would be happy for a fast response :)
and i am also Swedish

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