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Game Mode of Choice

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A game like Call of Duty has so many game modes that two players can be enjoying the same game but having radically different experiences. What is your favorite and what do you like about it that puts it over the others? Do you play one more than the others or do you switch a lot?

For me, it's domination all the way. I really dislike the randomness of deathmatches. Domination gives you a clear "front" in battle, allowing you to know where the key hotspots in the action will be. Gaining and holding territory is a key feature of real ground war, which adds a little fun to it for me. I also like how having the map split up into several different regions familiarizes you with the nuances of those sections.


Domination is extremely fun and competitive. I like that and Kill Confirmed (better for getting scorestreaks).

If I'm really having an off day and I want to do well, I will roll solo into Team Deathmatch. I find that playlist pretty easy to excel in and I typically don't join into too many games that are already happening.


Free for all if I'm feeling like I'm on a lucky streak. Team deathmatch when I'm just starting out, getting warmed up.


Game Mode of choice of BOII? I would have to say Kill Confirmed just for the sole fact that the games usually take a while to finish and you can unleash all your scorestreaks in one match IF you're a good player.


I really enjoy hardcore kill confirmed. It is the gamemode I mainly play with my friends. I got into kill confirmed last year when I was playing modern warfare 3. Why I play hardcore kill confirmed instead of regular core kill confirmed is because my friends got me into hardcore gamemodes especially hardcore kill confirmed which is our favorite of the hardcore gamemodes. I was originally a team deathmatch player but I've come to realize that kill confirmed is similar to tdm except more challenging and you can earn more points and xp which is a nice bonus.


I like playing demolition because of the extended gametime with the objective being not to kill, but to get the objective. Although sometimes teammates forget what demolition is, but as long as you are good enough, holding an objective is easy enough. I like hardcore kill confirmed when I can play with friends though I tend to stay away from the non hardcore version, there are so many kill streaks flying around it's ridiculous.


My favorite game mode must be capture the flag. It's been my favorite since UT2k4 and it continues to be until this day. I think it's the most fun of game modes, it requires some teamwork to defend the flag carrier and the team's flag too, it has some strategy involved as well and for me, the mix of all these elements make it an excellent mode to play!


Free for All, hands down. It's the best game mode for me as I find myself getting all of my killstreaks, and it suits my rushing playstyle.
I rank up the fastest playing it and enjoy myself the most while playing it, so I must say, Free for All really is my favourite mode.

Second would have to be a clash between Team Deathmatch and Search and Destroy, depending on my mood.


I always start of with a Team Death-match or Free for All as a warm-up. Then I start my favorite: Search and Destroy. I love the fact that you need to use all your strategy to be good at it, and you don't have to worry about enemies re-spawning.
Mainly TDM. The reason for that is because I haven't played BO2 in like 5 months (lol), so I need to get better. I'm probably gonna try Search and Destroy and some other game modes once I feel I'm ready.


I play Domination, Demoltion and TDM simply because i getting kills now and then but i play Demolition more for objective as i like search and destroy but i dont like it because you cant respawn. I play TDM and Demolition to mainly go for kills and killstreaks.


Oh, I forgot about one in the chamber, too! I cut my teeth in shooters playing Goldeneye and my crew's favorite modes were the golden gun one where the weapon was a one hit kill. One in the chamber has a bit of that feel to it. It requires great aim and when the two of you miss, you get that intense moment when the encounter breaks down into the knife fight. I especially love it when you get 3 and 4 people in a mosh pit of melee maddness.


Even though I do love me some Kill Confirmed. I do love me some OITC [One in the Chamber]. It's one of the modes that I thrive in!


Hardcore Team Deathmatch. I very rarely play anything else. I don't do well with objectives, especially if it means that there's a respawn wait. I die a lot... haha. I just do best going and and focusing on just killing things.


Domination is where it's at. Standing on the point and mowing down a double to triple kill, on top of getting the flag is an easy 600-800 points on your scorestreak, which is already a potential sentry gun. Set that up and geek your way to a VSAT which is a guaranteed K-9 unit. Nothing quite like the feeling.

However, if I'm in a full pre-made team, Demolition is hella fun, only because you know for a fact where the enemy is going to be spawning. Soon enough, someone calls in a VSAT and we can just babysit their spawn. Easy 70-90 kills a game without hardly trying.

Yeah...I'm -that- guy.
Hardcore Team Deathmatch. I very rarely play anything else. I don't do well with objectives, especially if it means that there's a respawn wait. I die a lot... haha. I just do best going and and focusing on just killing things.

I have no idea how you do hardcore. I hate hardcore, I like having stuff on my screen (how much ammo I have left, radar) and all of that. I guess it just depends on what you are accustomed to.


I have no idea how you do hardcore. I hate hardcore, I like having stuff on my screen (how much ammo I have left, radar) and all of that. I guess it just depends on what you are accustomed to.

Yep. I'm on the same page here, I have no idea how people play hardcore only. I get so frustrated I just about throw my controller out the window every time. I have to change my classes and my scorestreaks every single time a friend wants to play and I know that they only play hardcore game modes. It's ridiculous.


Like others have said, no clue why so many people find Hard Core to be exciting or fun. It generally encourages camping and a slower pace of game play. If I wanted that, I'd go to Battlefield or several other First Person Shooters. To stay on Topic though, my favorite game made is either Team Deathmatch, or Search and Destroy. When I want to go balls to the wall crazy, TDM all the way. When I want to actually use team work and get rewarded for planning out the perfect strategy, Search and Destroy is my muse.


Like others have said, no clue why so many people find Hard Core to be exciting or fun. It generally encourages camping and a slower pace of game play. If I wanted that, I'd go to Battlefield or several other First Person Shooters. To stay on Topic though, my favorite game made is either Team Deathmatch, or Search and Destroy. When I want to go balls to the wall crazy, TDM all the way. When I want to actually use team work and get rewarded for planning out the perfect strategy, Search and Destroy is my muse.

I thought that at first too. But once you get used to it, it is really fun and addicting. In the normal game types people just run out into the open without even thinking of death until it happens. In hardcore, people take their time and use their brains, it's much more strategic, and requires more thought, and I just enjoy that kind of gameplay.
When I'm browsing the internet at the same time, Search and Destroy is awesome. I can switch from texting or browsing the internet when I die. I really am digging the new "Game of the Week" bonus playlist. It's something new each time. Also, I love on the double XP weekends, the Nuketown 24/7, because there is always constant action. I love playing hardcore gamemodes for unlocking challenges. The game eventually gets boring after an hour, to be honest. I usually switch between multiple games if I game for a long time such as 5 hours.
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