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Multi Ghost Team Six


Ghost Team Six is always looking for new or pro players to join our gaming community. While we focus on communication in-game, we also enjoy casual playing. If you are interested in pro tournaments, we have 5 or more a month which includes tournament prizes for the winners.

Games We Play
  • Modern Warfare
  • Battlefield
  • Halo
  • The Division 2
  • Apex
  • and more...

Our community does not require you to fill out an application to join our discord. Feel free to hop into one of our discord channels https://discord.gg/rba9v2s

If you are interested in giveaways, tournaments, and promotional streaming you can become a member by going to our website at https://ghostteamsix.com


Ghost Team Six is looking for players to join our community, both members and staff. While we focus on communication in-game, we also enjoy casual playing. If you are interested in pro tournaments, we have 5 or more a month which includes tournament prizes for the winners.

Games We Play
- Modern Warfare
- Battlefield
- Halo
- The Division 2
- Apex
- and more...

Our community does not require you to fill out an application to join our discord. But, if you are interested in giveaways, tournaments, and promotional streaming you can become a member by going to our website at https://ghostteamsix.com/

Feel free to hop into one of our discord channels https://discord.gg/rba9v2s

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