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kicked for inactivity

I know this is beating a dead horse, but, I wanted to state that the game really has issues I sometimes can't comprehend.
Only once did I receive a warning I would be kicked for inactivity. I moved to a different area of the map and was kicked 30 seconds later.

Most recently, and this is a BIG REALLY???, I was kicked for inactivity while at the Main Screen of the game.


Haven't had much game time at all recently and when I did play it was
on infected as although I am gutted they ruined the old Infected and 10 snowballs
is way over the top and no chance of nukes :( you could get stonking drunk
and still have a lot of fun over Chrimbo on this mode.

The times I played normal modes after the season 1 update
I was kicked a few times without warning,its infuriating when say
there's only 2 of you defending B and you have fended off
every attempt from the enemy team to capture it and then
your just about to move over to defend say A. and bam
you're kicked, it p155es me right off,its like being a goalie
but if you don't move to the halfway line or the corner flag
every now and again you will get a red card FFS,
if it was just in FFA and TDM etc fair do's but point defend and
capture games this should not work like this at all.
For the love of god it’s ridiculous I mean sniping holding down areas has been a part of cod in every game fix this dumb kicked for inactivity bs playing dom holding down an area giving valuable feedback when sniping going like 10-2 and get kicked for inactivity . Come on guys needs to be a better system in place then that snipers always worked that way in cod it’s hard to run around as full on recon with a bolt action rifle.


Fallen Angel
For the love of god it’s ridiculous I mean sniping holding down areas has been a part of cod in every game fix this dumb kicked for inactivity bs playing dom holding down an area giving valuable feedback when sniping going like 10-2 and get kicked for inactivity . Come on guys needs to be a better system in place then that snipers always worked that way in cod it’s hard to run around as full on recon with a bolt action rifle.

/agree. Plus them taking away the effect from using ghost if you are stationary for 2 seconds.. WTF... that was a load of crap


happend to me too twice. first time on warzone verdansk map (the original one). i spawned close to the dam and a had found a sniper. i dont usually play with sniper but i thought it would be funny to try and snipe ppl at a really long range. got kicked for inactivity.
second time it happend in mw3 just this christmas. the rail road map with snow on it. i found a placeon the edge of the map and i started sniping with an assault rifle. got a kill or two and a few hit markers and still i got kicked lol.

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