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PSN Looking for clan.

Looking for a clan to play with and make friends in. None of my friends play CoD. Looking for something more social currently but I might want to do competitive later on down the road.
I'm a recruiter for a clan called Terran Empire Gaming. We a re looking for recruits to put into our squads. We are a gaming community, so you do not have to be an expert gamer! Please go to our website http://te.invisionzone.com and register an account and then apply under the Apply Here tab, then click NewMember Application. Your application will then be reviewed for approval.


Looking for a clan to play with and make friends in. None of my friends play CoD. Looking for something more social currently but I might want to do competitive later on down the road.
I am in a similar boat. Looking for good, fun group to play with, somewhat competitive. Let me know if you find something. My psn is clary24
clary24, I'm a recruiter for a clan called Terran Empire Gaming. We a re looking for recruits to put into our squads. We are a gaming community, so you do not have to be an expert gamer! Please go to our website http://te.invisionzone.com and register an account and then apply under the Apply Here tab, then click NewMember Application. Your application will then be reviewed for approval.


Looking for a clan to play with and make friends in. None of my friends play CoD. Looking for something more social currently but I might want to do competitive later on down the road.

If you still looking for a clan come check us out at www.dagclan.com/forum and sign in using your PSN name.
Were a large uk/usa based clan with a very active forum and Ps4 presence.
We play daily and more than not we win! but also have fun doing it!

Hope to see soon

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