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Players with offensive user names

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So I was just on COD Mobile and saw someone in chat with an offensive user name, specifcally N****Killa666. Only not censored like I typed it. They have the n-word RIGHT IN THEIR USER NAME!! Talking about killing them! WTF? I'm offended and I'm not even African-American. Activision, Ten-Cent, somebody needs to exercise some quality control. This is simply unacceptable in 2020. If anyone knows how to directly report a player please let me know, I would love to take this further. But what does everyone else think, am I right or overreacting?


Staff member
I'm surprised there isn't a report button in the mobile version of Call of Duty. No, you're not overreacting, racism isn't acceptable no matter your ethnicity.

The mobile version of Call of Duty is handled by Tencent.
Thank you Carlos. I did find out that if you tap someone's avatar in chat a few options pop up, including 'Report.' I did this, but there weren't any options to explain further. In the chat the person said they'd been reported multiple times anyway, they didn't care. Something tells me Tencent probably won't care too much. Especially if the person spends money. Guess hiding behind a computer monitor gets the win today. Too bad. Internet anonymity is a dangerous thing....
So I was just on COD Mobile and saw someone in chat with an offensive user name, specifcally N****Killa666. Only not censored like I typed it. They have the n-word RIGHT IN THEIR USER NAME!! Talking about killing them! WTF? I'm offended and I'm not even African-American. Activision, Ten-Cent, somebody needs to exercise some quality control. This is simply unacceptable in 2020. If anyone knows how to directly report a player please let me know, I would love to take this further. But what does everyone else think, am I right or overreacting?
Thats CoD for ya...


Kinda funny you just assume it’s about killing black peoples. Ever occur to you that he is saying he’s a black person who kills others? 10000% sure you are a libtard.


Staff member
Kinda funny you just assume it’s about killing black peoples. Ever occur to you that he is saying he’s a black person who kills others? 10000% sure you are a libtard.
Next time I catch you insulting people, you're taking a suspension. Got it?


yeah these activision accounts are getting out of hand to be honest there was a guy named "A Knee Cuh" just a few moments ago while i was playing. There needs to be some type of censorship on those ones for sure. Especcially cause there #### so it can be infinite.


Staff member
Hey Carlos. How about you lick my nuts Got it?

Ohh no. Don’t ban me from your shitty forum for calling someone a libtard. Get the fuck over yourself and learn how to run a forum properly.
All I need is just for you to be a fucking dickhead. You just embarrassed yourself in front of about a thousand people. The site is actually big. 3,000 people view the site per week. Best day was a few weeks ago: 4,000 pageviews. Worldwide. Yeah.

Enjoy your ban. Idiot.


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
People are just looking for something to be offended by. If it bothers you that much, just block them and you won't see them again.
There are certain words that seem to have become trap words, when used by a person that doesn't belong to that ethnic group then it is usually seen as offensive, but when used by that group it is quite often said with pride.

I would personally never use the word, I find it distasteful and I prefer not to see/hear it and I understand the sentiment in the OPs message.

Activision should have better measures in place to prevent this and they definitely should have something in place to report this, the mobile version is something that younger, more impressionable minds can download and install freely, we need to stop them from thinking that this is acceptable because they have seen it elsewhere. I'd be horrified if I heard it from my children.


I'm surprised there isn't a report button in the mobile version of Call of Duty. No, you're not overreacting, racism isn't acceptable no matter your ethnicity.

The mobile version of Call of Duty is handled by Tencent.
There is isn’t there? Like when you finish a game, on the top right there’s that ⚠️ Symbol and u can write a report
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