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PlayStation Network ID Thread

I haven't seen one of these threads around so if i missed it then, please removed this one.

Post somewhere below with your PSN ID and we'll make a list easier to find people to play with! I'll try and keep this updated as people post but it may get longer as we get more people!
I'll start us off!
ColossalTapeworm - Europe(PS4)
Ikon88x - North American(PS4)
Jackalsb76 - Europe (PS4)
JunioR-Snell - Europe (PS3)

SERVER: North America
Happy to jump into any game, but it would be great to have some decent DMZ partners

PSN - JacksLostSanity
Activiston - DoomRider
English speaking ☑️
Headset ☑️
On regularly ☑️
Not a d!ck ☑️

Like CODForums!

