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Problems that i have ran into

You can shoot someone in the head and they won't die. Running around a corner and still getting hit by the person around the corner. Gun game maps being to big most people just camp.


Ya new maps camp heaven. Find a window and sit with a rifle. Try to root one out and get shot by 5 more across the map.

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ah yes had that too i shot some1 in the head and he dindt die.. point was the game said it was a miss... i think its that on some weapons the hit ratio is broken... i had it on 1 of the first pistols... even point blank on the first lmg hit them in the head he got missed in his killcam but shot me trough the head with his sniper while you saw his eh pointer wide opne so he could have missed but still headshot when my pointer was way tinyer but i missed.. weird stuff..


I was in a match yesterday that was 46 to 41 when it ended. I was at least 12 kills of the 41 for the other team. I was trying to root out one camper and getting popped by the rest until I said screw it and found my own spot to wait it out.

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