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Running fast cheaters?

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sorry all.. But I am new to CoD BOps3... Ps4. This may be well known to all, but I need to ask.

I see some players running fast and with unlimited duration. It's not a thrust jump and slide move, rather they run grounded the whole time and have heat distortion trailing them. Is this a cheat or something I need to learn?

I already know how to run, thrust, and slide...but I cannot figure out how to run without sliding in and go that fast for an unlisted duration.

Thanks for the help!


Staff member
I see some players running fast and with unlimited duration. It's not a thrust jump and slide move, rather they run grounded the whole time and have heat distortion trailing them. Is this a cheat or something I need to learn?
No, don't learn how to do it. Those are cheats. Without playing the game, I recognize the cheat. It's the very same cheat from MW2.
I already know how to run, thrust, and slide...but I cannot figure out how to run without sliding in and go that fast for an unlisted duration.
One more time: It's a cheat.

Why am I not surprised that there's a new cheat already a few months after BO3 came out? Hmm..?
No, don't learn how to do it. Those are cheats. Without playing the game, I recognize the cheat. It's the very same cheat from MW2.

One more time: It's a cheat.

Why am I not surprised that there's a new cheat already a few months after BO3 came out? Hmm..?
Thanks! I thought it might be. I'll report the player.


Staff member
Thanks! I thought it might be. I'll report the player.
You welcome.

Just an FYI: The only way to "speed up" is a specialist's ability, which is done by pressing L1 & R1. The drawback though is that it's limited to a few seconds, this cheat is unlimited duration.


Staff member
Never saw it. And i played a lot of cod already :p This is just Ruin with the specialist
Ruin has a short ability to run. And you haven't seen a single "speed-hack"? Here:

It was patched shortly after the realization by IW, but there you go.


Staff member
So i didn't see it in BO3. Non of the clips are from BO3.
*shrugs* So...? I mean, it's not like it's not expected. Cheating does happen, no matter which game you're playing. Call of Duty is susceptible to it because of the playerbase. It's not too often that cheats happen on Black Ops 3 at the same scale as COD4, MW2, or god forbid - MW3. Ghosts was a glitchfest, so when you add cheaters to the mix, it's worse than you imagine. The game itself was fine, but glitches was everywhere in Ghosts. Black Ops 3 improved on BO2, which was plagued by some glitches, but not at the same scale as the others mentioned. All Treyarch had to do was to improve on BO2, and we're good. They kind of did, but went backwards on some things - which is why glitching, cheating, and lag or lagswitching still happens. You just gotta report the troublemakers, and prove to them that none of this glitching, cheating, exploits, lag, or lagswitching is required to win.

And yes, lagswitch still does exists. I was just in a match a few days ago, and this guy was forcing the connection to go on and off... that I wasn't able to shoot him at point blank range. I should have killed him right then and there... but his character was skipping frames so my bullets didn't really make it into his body. I reported him and his clan.
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