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Warzone 2.0 Solo Players No Longer Welcome.. :^/


Today is the 19th of Dec. On the 13th, by then, I had 185 successful exfils. 150+/_ being solo. Since the late November/early December patch, I've had 10 in 6 days!!!??!! The AQ are complete morons with everything except a 1 shot laser beam with a 2 attachment 'AK74" to my 3pc armor, while backwards with one hand completelycrackin me and about 15/20% life left. Thank god it only takes 2 mags to drop an AQ. THATS FAIR AND BALENCED right there. Terrible. Also, with each patch they're eliminating more and more crates. Red ones especially. Rarely see a 4-5 attachments on weapons.

Ps, the perk system is garbage and so pathetic

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