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The Bal-27 has been nerfed a TON

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Apparently this update hasn't hit PS4/XB1/PC yet, but as you can see in the video above.. it's been nerfed a TON on the Xbox 360. What are your thoughts on it receiving such a massive nerf?
Well apparently people found a way to quick scope snipers again but this time hit you way before you start your scope. The new way is pretty annoying, but not many people do it yet at least.

honestly I didn't see a problem with the BAL. The range sucks on it. takes 5-6 shots from a distance to kill someone without a silencer. Whoever gets host with any gun really makes it OP, so I don't see a balance in guns making much of a difference.


Active Member
Well apparently people found a way to quick scope snipers again but this time hit you way before you start your scope. The new way is pretty annoying, but not many people do it yet at least.

honestly I didn't see a problem with the BAL. The range sucks on it. takes 5-6 shots from a distance to kill someone without a silencer. Whoever gets host with any gun really makes it OP, so I don't see a balance in guns making much of a difference.

The Bal is OP, period. Especially if you have host. 2-3 shots long range and you're dead.
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