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Uh, New guy coming through :)

sBg Bullets

Hey All,

People call me Mac, but I go by the IGN of sBg Bullets.

First and foremost, I am a CoD gamer on Xbox. I have played every iteration that has come out, but really got "addicted", when CoD 4 was released! Everything since then is just a blue of enjoyment. I have played a bit of competitive, bit now mainly just play to enjoy the game. I do make the ocassional YT video and stream from time to time, but that is just a hobby .

Anyways, I am sure I will catch people around and maybe, just maybe, may see some online!
Hey there Mac.

Welcome to the forums. I'm a big fan of COD 4 too - must be one of the best, if not THE best.

See you around. :)

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