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Favorite Gun?

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I have to go with the AN-94. It's accurate and versatile, and that's what I look for in a weapon. I tend to use SMGs the most, however, and my favorite in that class is the MSMC. I'm also quite fond of the LSAT; I haven't use LMGs much historically in CoD games, but the LSAT and HAMR are beastly.
No doubt the AN-94 for assault rifles. It's such a powerful rifle. For shotguns, it would be the Remington, even though sometimes it can be very unpredictable. I love the DSR for sniping, because to me the Ballista is too unpredictable.
I like to use many guns because they were a lot of them I liked equally. I do use the PDW a lot, due to the fact it doesn't need extended mags and you unlock it very early.

But if I had to pick a favorite, it'd probably be the MSMC. I just like the way it sounds and feels, really nothing else to it.


I tend to prefer assault rifles, although I can do better using a sub-machine gun as I feel like the rushing play-style suits me more, in terms of what AR or Sub I like to use its either the SWAT or the FAL, then for submachine guns its usually the MSMC because its just so easy to use in my opinion and its still very powerful!


Definitely my favorite gun is the AK. I can never go wrong with that gun. I will use it on big maps an small maps an do awesome!


I like most assault rifles. If I had to choose one, it would probably be the SCAR-H. It's damage and fire rate are extraordinary. It also has decent range. The downside to the SCAR-H is it's clip size. Other than that, it's like a perfect gun. I know many people prefer other assault rifles but the SCAR-H really fits my play style of running and gunning.

I also really like using the MP7, it's dueling capabilities are amazing, the downside is it's range. For a small map and close ranged duels, MP7 is fantastic.


I love the MP7. The weapon allows it to vary from Mid Range To Close Quarters. The speed balances the damages decrease and overall the gun itself is an amazing one to rush to be tactical with or a fucking rushing gun. :D


That is a really tough one to answer, each time I get a new gun I always think it is my favorite :) haha. Overall I would have to say i like the SMG the best.


I like most assault rifles. If I had to choose one, it would probably be the SCAR-H. It's damage and fire rate are extraordinary. It also has decent range. The downside to the SCAR-H is it's clip size. Other than that, it's like a perfect gun. I know many people prefer other assault rifles but the SCAR-H really fits my play style of running and gunning.

I also really like using the MP7, it's dueling capabilities are amazing, the downside is it's range. For a small map and close ranged duels, MP7 is fantastic.
I know this post is pretty old, but I've got to say that the SCAR-H is a pretty terrific gun. When I was first learning the ins and outs of this game and I didn't quite know the maps yet, I used the SCAR exclusively once I had a chance. It really is the perfect gun for someone who is either looking to run around or explore. It's very quick and has a nice rate of fire. I always silenced it, myself. Makes for a pretty neat sound in my opinion :)


I have to go with the AN-94. It's accurate and versatile, and that's what I look for in a weapon. I tend to use SMGs the most, however, and my favorite in that class is the MSMC. I'm also quite fond of the LSAT; I haven't use LMGs much historically in CoD games, but the LSAT and HAMR are beastly.

Totally agree with the AN-94 with full metal jacket and extended clip. For me LMG's tend to be used by less experienced player as the large clip size and high damage provides them with a slight advantage.


I would usually go for the assault rifle. I like shotguns as well but I prefer to rapid fire more than anything. Shotguns are fun when in close range and stuff. My favorite gun would be the HAMR. I know it's an LMG but I just love it so much when I get it in zombies. (I am not a fan of multiplayer) It has a large ammo amount and it's great when there's an entire wave of zombies. I can easily mow them down with just that gun.
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