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Free bundles


Several of my ps friends are getting free bundles from the store, but I haven't had one since the start of season 2. Any ideas why this I seem to be losing out?


Staff member
It's random, but if you play more, and achieve more, you get the bundles. I've been getting a lot of those since Season Zero. This is Infinty Ward saying "Thanks for playing."

I rank up, I dominate matches, I achieve missions, and challenges (rank ribbons), I win Warzone games, etc.


It's random, but if you play more, and achieve more, you get the bundles. I've been getting a lot of those since Season Zero. This is Infinty Ward saying "Thanks for playing."

I rank up, I dominate matches, I achieve missions, and challenges (rank ribbons), I win Warzone games, etc.
Thing is I play a fair bit. I know they're nowt special but it's odd I've had none for months.


I’m a new player and l got a few things free! Including demon eyes shotgun? Not sure if anybody else got that?

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