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Warzone Hardcore Warzone PLEASE!

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Why can we not have Hardcore mode in Warzone? A lot of us would prefer it, if someone doesn't like Hardcore mode they can play the normal mode, why is it so difficult to add that option?
Shooting someone half a dozen times to down them is not everyone's idea of fun.


Staff member
Well... that's the point, don't play hardcore play normal.
Dude. You don't get it. Normal Hardcore is already difficult. Adding Hardcore to Warzone makes the game that much difficult, especially with cheating/cheaters, you would not be able to tell the difference.
Campers would be a huge problem because warzone requires so much moving around the map. With low health it would be too easy to sit on a hill or rooftop and spray an lmg/ar for kills as it would only take 2 or 3 bullets to kill even at long ranges.

I really think it would be a bad idea I'm afraid mate.
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