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I'm done and I wish I could get my $100 back.

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To start off with: I am not a hardcore CoD gamer, I play maybe 3-5 hours a week for fun, I.e. I'm the market Activision and Treyarch are trying to target. I have ZERO interest in battle royale in CoD ESPECIALLY over a Campaign(what were you all thinking?), and the multiplayer is complete and utter GARBAGE. That being said sorry for the wall.

This game is in an unacceptable state considering the money we all shelled out for it and I don't mean like a few bugs unacceptable, I mean the fucking thing crashes or hard locks every other time I play it(on console ffs), this is at best a late alpha/early beta in terms of bugs and gameplay especially in MP. The spawns are trash(I spawn in los of enemies regularly), everyone uses the same fucking loadouts because the gun selection is trash and the higher health makes SMGs nearly useless for serious play, the specialists are nothing but a cheesy ass gimmik(I know it, you know it, we all know it), the specialist abilities are all annoying af(a shock drone that stuns for way to long and a dog that is literally a tank that will kill you in 1 hit. fucking really?), the maps are poorly designed to the point where most of some maps aren't even used(arsenal may as well be just that one long area), the perks are complete garbage(flak is useless because no one even uses grenades and the cluster will kill you anyway), emotes/skins/stickers are pointless in an FPS as fast paced as CoD, the hit detection is likely the worst I've ever fucking experienced, and either every lobby is full of sweats of the matchmaking just sucks ass because I cannot find a single match without sweats in it. Also, I'm fairly certain their is a problem with the auto aim on consoles as well because my accuracy has never been this bad in a CoD game, my gun seems to magnetize over shoulders all the damn time.

I tried to like this game, I honestly did, but I'm just done, I'm tired of trying to convince myself this game is anything but what it actually is, a blatant cash grab. I'm also gonna call Treyarch out, y'all need to be up front with your community about what Activision is doing with their tendency to put investors first instead of consumers. Activision is the sole reason we got Battle Royale instead of a campaign, they saw dollar signs looking at BR and wanted some of the pie. The proof is in how fast your "free" black market was monetized, even taking priority over fixing and improving the damn game.


I said that in my first week cause I was getting creamed cause I play hardcore mode. I played core for 2 days does less used the health shit do not die as much and learned the maps now I’m doing much better in hardcore


Staff member
This game is in an unacceptable state considering the money we all shelled out for it and I don't mean like a few bugs unacceptable, I mean the fucking thing crashes or hard locks every other time I play it(on console ffs), this is at best a late alpha/early beta in terms of bugs and gameplay especially in MP.
This game? Alpha/Early Beta? I'll agree that there are a lot of bugs they should've ironed out before release, but I wouldn't go that far. Black Ops 4 benefitted from the 3 Year Development lifecycle, the issue is that the game has a lot of glitches present in the game itself. I'm not even kidding. Here's Specialist HQ...

Now, I don't know about you, but that shouldn't be in there.
The spawns are trash(I spawn in los of enemies regularly), everyone uses the same fucking loadouts because the gun selection is trash and the higher health makes SMGs nearly useless for serious play, the specialists are nothing but a cheesy ass gimmik(I know it, you know it, we all know it), the specialist abilities are all annoying af(a shock drone that stuns for way to long and a dog that is literally a tank that will kill you in 1 hit. fucking really?), the maps are poorly designed to the point where most of some maps aren't even used(arsenal may as well be just that one long area), the perks are complete garbage(flak is useless because no one even uses grenades and the cluster will kill you anyway), emotes/skins/stickers are pointless in an FPS as fast paced as CoD, the hit detection is likely the worst I've ever fucking experienced, and either every lobby is full of sweats of the matchmaking just sucks ass because I cannot find a single match without sweats in it. Also, I'm fairly certain their is a problem with the auto aim on consoles as well because my accuracy has never been this bad in a CoD game, my gun seems to magnetize over shoulders all the damn time.
I agree the spawns are so broken. People took full advantage, and people still take advantage of the spawn. I had to even camp - which let me fucking tell you, I hate with a boiling passion. I hate camping, but the spawns...? They just are so broken, you have to camp. Sometimes you get killed in your spawn, sometimes you go this way, that way, and you still get killed, anyway. And not even the maps will save the spawns. It's just too small. The hit detection is bad.

But hey, whatcha gonna do? Activision or the development studios under them won't change the engine or actually make improvements to the engine.
I tried to like this game, I honestly did, but I'm just done, I'm tired of trying to convince myself this game is anything but what it actually is, a blatant cash grab. I'm also gonna call Treyarch out, y'all need to be up front with your community about what Activision is doing with their tendency to put investors first instead of consumers. Activision is the sole reason we got Battle Royale instead of a campaign, they saw dollar signs looking at BR and wanted some of the pie. The proof is in how fast your "free" black market was monetized, even taking priority over fixing and improving the damn game.
I love Call of Duty, and I want to like Black Ops 4, but I can't get past all these issues, either. You may think it's a "cash grab," but all companies that makes games are making games that are "cash grabs." The issue is that Activision isn't prioritizing good game design in exchange for putting a mode that's popularized by others. Battle Royale isn't bad per se, it's just that Black Out has a lot of issues, just look at this (Dr. Disrespect is top player on Twitch, and was a level designer on Advanced Warfare...)

There's even a video of Doc shooting through a rock, and it worked. It shows how bad clipping textures in BO4 is...
Black Ops 4 crashes more than any video game ive played my entire life. Its crazy. If you have not bought it yet i would not recommend buying it.

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