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What are you guys doing that I’m not. 90% of my deaths are unavoidable. I appear at a window and someone walks onto a street in the distance spins zooms in and shoots me instantly

there’s no way they know I was there that I’m aware of. I’m not shooting, there’s no uavs or anything that could give away my position. There’s no perk that should be showing my position that distance away. Half the time on the kill cam you can’t even see me in their cross hairs I’m that small a speck but they’ve seen me and fired a kill shot before I can blink. This isn’t random it’s the vast majority of my deaths. The game is unplayable for me. No amount of practice will ever make me better at not getting killed by impossible shots at this frequency. players always strafe into rooms facing the corner I’m in and firing despite there being no possible way they could have known I was there. If this happened sometime it could be luck but it happens all the time. It’s mathematically impossible that they could know where I am 99% of the time. All the players can’t have some bizarre perk or killstreak that lets them know where I am even when I’m not firing. Surely I would know about it?

Does anyone have an explanation? Is this mods I don’t know about? Aim assist or aimbot hacks?

Should mention I play on Xbox and play ground war as I like the bigger maps


Staff member
Well, you're dealing with more people on the same map. Let's say you're sniping... Your Sniper's scope is giving off this sprinkling white light. The sound design also give your location away. If you really want to be stealthy, learn the map(s), the perks, weapons, and yes, the vehicles. Ground War is chaotic, but not impossible.

Yes, there are some perks that counter some of these OP weapons. 90% of the time people use thermo scopes, and xrays, others are using some perk like ghost.

Think Ground War like regular Call of Duty Multiplayer. I mean, Ground War is basically Domination with 40 players.


Well, you're dealing with more people on the same map. Let's say you're sniping... Your Sniper's scope is giving off this sprinkling white light. The sound design also give your location away. If you really want to be stealthy, learn the map(s), the perks, weapons, and yes, the vehicles. Ground War is chaotic, but not impossible.

Yes, there are some perks that counter some of these OP weapons. 90% of the time people use thermo scopes, and xrays, others are using some perk like ghost.

Think Ground War like regular Call of Duty Multiplayer. I mean, Ground War is basically Domination with 40 players.

thanks for the reply. Yeah i know the maps well.

none of that explains what these players are able to do. I know about optic glint. They’re not scanning and seeing a glint, they’re not scanning with a thermo. They’re literally just snapping instantly to my location and effectively quick scoping me in the blink of an eye.

I’m moving and scanning for possible enemies and when I see them aiming for them manually where as from all the kill cams every time I die they’ essentially just automatically turn aim and shoot in a millisecond and always get me.

as you know ground game is a massive map, enemies could be anywhere. They couldn’t predict I’m going to be in a certain spot with this kind of certainty.


Staff member
thanks for the reply. Yeah i know the maps well.

none of that explains what these players are able to do. I know about optic glint. They’re not scanning and seeing a glint, they’re not scanning with a thermo. They’re literally just snapping instantly to my location and effectively quick scoping me in the blink of an eye.

I’m moving and scanning for possible enemies and when I see them aiming for them manually where as from all the kill cams every time I die they’ essentially just automatically turn aim and shoot in a millisecond and always get me.

as you know ground game is a massive map, enemies could be anywhere. They couldn’t predict I’m going to be in a certain spot with this kind of certainty.
Most people on Ground War are camping, so if they see you on the street, they will try to pick you off, either that, or they are cheating. (Yes. it exists. Swagg just did a video on it. Search his YouTube.)

I honestly don't know what to tell you. I try to play Ground War, but I experienced same problems as you sometimes. How I survived is staying in buildings, and off the streets. My brother taught me that tanks cleans house.

EDIT: I was watching my brother play Ground War again, and I kinda do understand what you mean. In fact, there are times that he'd snipe someone, and they shoot him in one shot. While he tries to shoot him with multiple shots, or empty his magazine. It puzzles us both. Sometimes, he'd hit the target and complete the kill, but the other times, he shoots and it doesn't register.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that there is a perk that picks up your footsteps, and leads to you.


Yeah it’s not the tracker perk, they aren’t coming from where I’ve come from.

I tried again today. It’s just impossible. Every cod release it’s gotten worse where the game has morphed less into a realistic FPS and more into a jaded arcade game that ignores the laws of physics.

it’s purely a case of those that kill me are able to somehow have their crosshairs automatically snap to and locate me and then fire. That’s either aimbot hacks, mouse and keyboards, or some adjustment of sim settings that everyone is using. Cause when I hit the aim button it certainly doesn’t snap to a target much less a target I haven’t even seen clearly on my screen.

today I got killed by a guy that slid down 10feet of concrete stairs aimed to his left (as he reached the bottom and around the corner) and killed me in a blink of an eye where I didn’t have time to even hip fire.
That’s mind boggling stupid.


Staff member
I tried again today. It’s just impossible. Every cod release it’s gotten worse where the game has morphed less into a realistic FPS and more into a jaded arcade game that ignores the laws of physics.
Yeah, it's trying to compete with Battlefield. But, Call of Duty attracts 20 Million (on average) players a game, with lifetime sales at 250 Million. Should be 300 by now. Battlefield's only at 36 Million.

Yes, there's new sales with Modern Warfare, but neither Activision or Infinity Ward realize that. I mean, they are really that stupid, even with 100 Million installs with Call of Duty Mobile.

I do want the mix of a realistic shooter, with arcade-style gameplay, but Modern Warfare fails at perfecting the craft. Right out of the gate, the game has been buggy. We, you and I like the core game, but the game is glitchy, buggy, and easy to hack. Easy to exploit. And so and on.
it’s purely a case of those that kill me are able to somehow have their crosshairs automatically snap to and locate me and then fire. That’s either aimbot hacks, mouse and keyboards, or some adjustment of sim settings that everyone is using. Cause when I hit the aim button it certainly doesn’t snap to a target much less a target I haven’t even seen clearly on my screen.
It's either aim-assist, a hacked aim-assist, or mouse & keyboard, but with the mouse & keyboard, you don't need aim-assist, honestly. Anyone who use aim-assist with mouse & keyboard combo is dumb. It's more accurate than controller, that is the only advantage m&k players have against us controller guys. Literally. Anyone who use hacks with aim-assist as a m&k player is even worse.
today I got killed by a guy that slid down 10feet of concrete stairs aimed to his left (as he reached the bottom and around the corner) and killed me in a blink of an eye where I didn’t have time to even hip fire.
That’s mind boggling stupid.
I don't even know how to explain that one.
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Staff member
I suspect the fact my internet runs around 25 and 7 on a good day but regularly around 15 and 3 doesn’t help.
Well, you said it, I didn't want to make you feel bad or dumb. To be fair though it may also be their programming. There's a lot of YouTube videos trashing CoDMW issues including SBMM (Skill Based Matchmaking), servers, patch updates (one recently resets your player XP, even).


Staff member
What are your net speeds running at when you play COD? I’ll have to see how to check my ping
I am currently living in Alabama. (It's a temporary thing.) This is my current connection speed...
Here's how my wifi looks...


Lol. Holy crap. Internet speeds in Australia are screwed. There’s deserts in the Middle East that have better speeds than us thanks to our conservative government. But even by Australian standards my internet is slow.


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