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MW2 Season 3 weapon camos.

Still cannot get PSYCHOACTIVE camo for the FJX Imperium sniper rifle after a couple hundred kills. What does "Get 40 kills while FOCUSED with the FJX Imperium" mean exactly anyway? I've tried previous suggestions without success. Frustrated!!!


Fallen Angel
You Focus in and make the reticle stop moving and swaying. It lasts about 3 seconds and then you hear your character take a breath and the reticle moves exaggeratedly for a couple seconds back into its non focused pattern


Fallen Angel
I been pondering this more. I am wondering if they mean while running the focus perk?

That honestly does not seem like it would be correct to me, However just throwing that out there
I been pondering this more. I am wondering if they mean while running the focus perk?

That honestly does not seem like it would be correct to me, However just throwing that out there
No, you got it right the 1st time. I've got 5 now. Just 35 more to go. Thanks

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