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Autoaim and SBMM makes games predetermined and pointless

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This should be a really good CoD. (Warzone/cold war) One major thing ruins it entirely. Autoaim.
It doesn't matter what platform you play on.

Doesn't anyone else find it stupid? I used to play Socom 2 or other shooters similar to it and it was actually satisfying to get a kill. It was way harder to aim.
No one ever misses even in 3 year old Cods..and now autoaim is so ridiculous guns are like lasers and no one with any semblance of aiming ability ever misses. I feel like I am logging on to play 3 stooges turret simulator. There are literally 6 year olds signing "pro "contracts.

I would assume this is done along with manipulated "SBMM" matchmaking to make everyone think they are pro and sell more games and keep people playing.

Please get rid of massive controller autoaim and manipulative matchmaking.
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