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Chat banned, but now not even my friends can hear me in game. They can hear me prelobby though?


Ya girl just caught another 14 day chat ban. My friend got one last night as well. Didn’t say anything derogatory. Dude was camping in scrapyard with an RGL so I called him a bitch. Seemed fitting… They slapped me with the same chat ban. No talking to anybody in game. No typing in chat. I’m taking a break from COD. This is overkill on their part… Ruining the game.
It's a super FUCKING overkill....I'm seriously thinking of giving up the game and finding something NEW. Like how are we supposed to play team based game with NO communication...it's fucking DUMB. They need to fix this quick. We should have freedom to speak. I honestly think they are just trying to kill the game.
It's a super FUCKING overkill....I'm seriously thinking of giving up the game and finding something NEW. Like how are we supposed to play team based game with NO communication...it's fucking DUMB. They need to fix this quick. We should have freedom to speak. I honestly think they are just trying to kill the game.
I sent a feedback ticket to Activision about it. I assume it will just be sorted into their trash bin. Feedback provided below. Maybe if enough people complain, they will fix it. Highly doubt though.

“The new chat ban features that came with the new update are RIDICULOUS. I’ve never caught a chat ban in MW3 until that update. The fact your friends cannot even unmute you is insane! People are LIVID. You should have the options to mute and unmute. When banned you can only hear people in game, you can’t talk to them at all. Even if you are friends… but I’m sure you all already knew that. You can only talk to friends in pre-game lobby. You have taken this too far. This game is rated M for mature. This isn’t Fortnite… This game is for adults. It REQUIRES talking and working together. You have ruined this game over this. Everybody is upset and I think it will DRASTICALLY affect your sales going forward. Especially the new game coming out which at this point, I may not even purchase… Chat bans need to be reverted back to the previous form. I just caught a 14 day for nothing btw…. I didn’t call anybody a racial slur or a derogatory term… but people can have the n word plastered in their name and clan tag. Make it make sense… because it doesn’t.”
Yeah I just experienced this myself. The chat ban is absolutely ridiculous. Now they have it to where you can’t do anything. You can hear them but they can’t hear you. Then when you get into a game on resurgence or battle royal it’ll show on the right of the screen “chat disabled” so even if you are in a party your own party can’t hear you. It’s messed up. People like to report you for no reason and you can still get the chat ban. They took away the text option as well once you’re in the game. It tells you in your notifications if you are chat banned and tells you for how many days then it disappears when you clear it from the notifications. That being said it doesn’t show you anything after that saying you’re chat banned like before this dumb update. COD CAN’T GET IT TOGETHER AT ALL.
I think Cod should go fuck themselves, its an adult game. Trash talking should be fine, unless its death threats, terrorism or trying to purposefully effect someone's mental heath in an aggressively negative way. Grow the fuck up cod, there's a mute button for snowflakes that can't handle hearing someone swear or talk shit. Teammates should always have the option to unmute. Its a team game this company is stepping on the community's toes a bit too much. Keep it up and I'm sure #fuckurfranchise will be trending
Tired of chat bans? Being penalized for adult language on an adult game? Sign my petition and share it please!!! Let's make this stop. Take back our right to play the game the way we want! Stop the cancel culture and censorship.

Yesterday as I was playing it said I had received a 14 day chat penalty, but even my friends can't hear me in game. They can hear me in the prelobby, but not able to hear me as soon as we're in game. I can still hear EVERYONE & the notification is no longer there about the chat ban. I don't even know why I got "Chat Ban" it was my first game of the day & was talking to my friends.
Is this the "new punishment" for chat ban? If so this is stupid that so many snowflakes can't hear a bad word & not go crying to someone. I like talking shit with my friends but if they can't hear me then what's the point in me even playing this game?
Listen easy fix till the ban lifts psn just added discord. Yahll gotta make a discord chat and join thru psn and BOOM mic is bacc
Listen easy fix till the ban lifts psn just added discord. Yahll gotta make a discord chat and join thru psn and BOOM mic is bacc
It still doesn't matter. Nobody should be getting comm banned when they have implemented ways for these spinless snowflakes to mute people and even remove themselves from the lobby chat all together. Just another democratic ran company who wants to silence America. Fuck Activision, Fuck Call of Duty, Fuck every company who tries to silence us.
I think you will get a notification to say you're banned. Anywhere from 48 hours to 2 weeks or longer. If you're voice chat banned, you can hear everyone but they can't hear you!
Yesterday as I was playing it said I had received a 14 day chat penalty, but even my friends can't hear me in game. They can hear me in the prelobby, but not able to hear me as soon as we're in game. I can still hear EVERYONE & the notification is no longer there about the chat ban. I don't even know why I got "Chat Ban" it was my first game of the day & was talking to my friends.
Is this the "new punishment" for chat ban? If so this is stupid that so many snowflakes can't hear a bad word & not go crying to someone. I like talking shit with my friends but if they can't hear me then what's the point in me even playing this game?
I’m same nothing to do with settings it’s either to many bans or some bug/glitch since they took find party away it’s pathetic but nothing you can do about it .
Even more annoying 3 of us in Xbox and one on PlayStation so can’t even join Xbox party lol
Try download discord and use that

How do I check if I'm voice chat banned and how long I am banned for without notifications?
Click on the bell top right then scroll down to the message that says report status changed chat penalty open it and tells you how long your ban is then work out from where it says message was example 10 days ago therefore 4 days left
Click on the bell top right then scroll down to the message that says report status changed chat penalty open it and tells you how long your ban is then work out from where it says message was example 10 days ago therefore 4 days left
But is there another way of checking it cause i pressed dismiss on it and I didn't view it because I'm dumb. So I cant see the message anywhere.
That’s the new chat ban pre lobby is ok but in chat no way to talk and no other way I know off accept try to think when you got the ban and it will be 14 days from there
I hope all this crap goes away w the new ownership with BO6. Aim assist needs horrendously nerfed and then be bold enough to defend the action. I'm TIRED of seeing aim assist on controllers so strong that KBM users can truthfully argue that they would be banned for 1/100ths the "assist' controller gets. It's 100% legalized cheating. Cross play should be fun for PC users.. not frustrating as we lose to skill less 11 year olds.
Well tonight I think I got banned because I can't hear anything in lobby or game from other players. It pops up oike they are talking but I can't hear them only the game sounds. I checked my setting and headset nothing wrong i see. I never received a notification either. Idk wtf is up but it's sickening I pay $100 fir the vault Ed. Then even more on cod packs and seasons. To get banned. I would have that ai voice thing come up a few times and I wouldn't even be talking in prelobby and game. It pops up so fast you can't even read it. If it continues I think I'll start playing more of my other games that don't fringe on my 1st amendment
Yesterday as I was playing it said I had received a 14 day chat penalty, but even my friends can't hear me in game. They can hear me in the prelobby, but not able to hear me as soon as we're in game. I can still hear EVERYONE & the notification is no longer there about the chat ban. I don't even know why I got "Chat Ban" it was my first game of the day & was talking to my friends.
Is this the "new punishment" for chat ban? If so this is stupid that so many snowflakes can't hear a bad word & not go crying to someone. I like talking shit with my friends but if they can't hear me then what's the point in me even playing this game?
Yeah I'm about done with cod. Cant imagine playing a game where the entire premise is based around shooting people in the face but I can't call someone a "weird little chicken fucker" for camping load out the whole game. Bring back the old cod lobbies
This chat ban crap is ridiculous. They're going to lose a ton of players all because of it. I will not be wasting my time with the new CoD. 1. They're taking away out freedom of speech. 2. If people are so offended by what's being said, they have options to leave the lobby chat or to mute us. Why do the ones who enjoy talking crap and joking with their friends have to pay the consequences for snowflakes getting upset over words.
Whats also pretty comical at best,Is that In a game where blood and gore Is shown,executions of dismemberment,foul language,and shooting people Is not a problem,but cursing people out Is crossing the line.
my friend just got chat banned today and we only talk on friends only anyways which is crazy he can still get banned, but my question is I'm on Pc, is there anyway to talk to him besides through discord? i tried the channel chat thing but didn't have any luck with it. this game is a joke with the bad word ban lol wtf they curse in the campaign i dont understand it
I've been chat banned twice, and neither time was l being remotely offensive, disrespectful, or vulgar. Activision shows I'm not banned, but it clearly states in BO6 that I'm banned for fourteen days. The fact that other players can falsely report you because they're upset they lost or were bested is beyond ridiculous, especially when l get a lot of Best Play titles. They need to rectify this issue. Almost makes me want to stop playing the game

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