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DMZ First Thoughts Season 04


Fallen Angel
Not to mention I believe the Comms 3 plate was SO popular you saw teams wearing it and forgoing a medic vest as well as maybe having one stealth or a tempered 2 plate mixed in there.. but yeah seemed very rare in groups where I was for anyone to have anything but a coms


The Equalizer
Yeah and how the hell am I supposed to get to building 21 ? I have not seen anything about that card dropping yet

Yea, I don't even bother to try and barter a 3plt special vest.. It's not worth the hassle... I just make do with the 2plt vests you can find or take a 3plt specials from one of my many victims.. :D

Activision is getting further and further away from the casual gamer, making players jump thru so many hoops to upgrade equipment..

On the plus side, it was very easy to get back my 2nd Insured Weapon slot, so there is that....

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