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Xbox Live New clan: Recruiting 3 spots

I have started the clan (MeW) And currently I am looking for 3 new rectuits to start. Unfortunetly due to my financial state I CANNOT afford Xbox gold at the moment. but soon the cash will be flowing so I can see your skills personally. I am highly qualified as a clan chief due to my experience in many CoD games including CoD finest hour, CoD big red 1, Cod WOW, MW2, MW3, black ops and black ops DS. I need recruits who will bring honor to our clan. If interested, message my Xbox gamertag EPICFLUFFYKAT
I wanna join
I have started the clan (MeW) And currently I am looking for 3 new rectuits to start. Unfortunetly due to my financial state I CANNOT afford Xbox gold at the moment. but soon the cash will be flowing so I can see your skills personally. I am highly qualified as a clan chief due to my experience in many CoD games including CoD finest hour, CoD big red 1, Cod WOW, MW2, MW3, black ops and black ops DS. I need recruits who will bring honor to our clan. If interested, message my Xbox gamertag EPICFLUFFYKAT
I would very much like to join your clan my gamertag is SuperScav12 hopefully I can join

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