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Multi [PC] [Xbox] [NA] SFP Is Now Recruiting!!!

SFP Touch SD

A Little About SFP!!!Tapatalk banner.png
SFP is a home base for all gamers, of all types. SFP's primary goal and vision is to encompass every aspect of gaming for its members. We provide a family feel and host many different game nights and events. We are new and have tons of experience in gaming and running clans. We are here to stay! Thank you for choosing SFP.

Here at SFP, we want our members to be able to have fun. You can talk to other members in the general chat, share images, or talk in a voice channel.

SFP has multiple chances for you to have fun while gaming. We have channels to find people to play with, and in the future, will also have pro teams. We currently support Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six, and Rocket League and many other great games.

SFP also has a chance for streamers and youtubers to share and promote their content. If you aren’t a streamer or youtuber, it’s still a great chance to find some new content and have fun watching it.

SFP hosts weekly events for multiple games. All you need to do in order to participate is join our server using the invite below and be a member.

You can join by joining our discord HERE. Within the discord server you can chat with the community and learn more about becoming a member of SFP.

We are always looking for new members. We do have our Pro Savages who we do send off to tournaments as we have a variety of pro teams currently an multiple platforms.

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