• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

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It would be helpful to track down where the loyal members are from.
hey carlos, great site, i just typed in cod forums in google
Actually I am newbie so I need more information about the different kind of game because I have fond of to play game. One of my friend suggest me about this forum.
I used Bing.

Oh wait, Bing is a piece of shit that no one has ever used, that's right! lmao "Let me Google that for you" guy gets it. I googled "cod forums". Super simple stuff ;p

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